Thursday, July 9, 2009

day 15

day 15. there is something about new growing things that is nourishing to the soul. babies, seedlings, puppies. i am watching an episode of oprah about this girl who had no human stimulation for the first 6 years of her life. she is severely retarded because of this. they call her a "feral child". stimulation can actually be nourishing for your brain. literally, the brain grows. neurons in your brain grow. connections bond. it makes you wonder how the stimulation we get as adults effects our mental health. i think growing these plants must be good for my brain. i feel their little plant souls singing when they are growing happy and healthy. it makes me feel good.


  1. a study was done on office plants in a giant highrise. 20, say, potted plants were fitted with sensors and placed in the same room. a man came in and began to hack @ one of the plants. they all registered stress.

    the beaten plant was nursed to health, then all the pots were placed in different offices on different floors. their sensors remained attached. whenever the man entered the building, all plants registered stress.

    plants are magic. they are good for your brain, and good agricultural husbandry makes for better growth, more sumptous fruit. i think love has a wavelength our leafy living friends can perceive.

    melons, too perfect!

  2. i love that story! my plants are totally getting the positive vibes :)
