Thursday, July 23, 2009

day 29

day 29.  i missed a few days, but a lot has happened in that short time.  i planted 6 lambkin melon plants at my friend's house.  i'm thinking maybe i should take another 3 over and add those to the mounds i created.  i mean, where else would i grow them anyways?  numbers 21, 2, 4, 22, 11 & 15 are at his house.  i also gave number 7 to a co-worker of mine.  she's adding it to her garden.  i was finally able to plant at my friend's house because i set up a sprinkler timer and soaker hoses over there.  it was quite a job to till the soil, remove the rocks and plant and mulch everything, but it looks great now!  i'll take some pics & post them tomorrow.  

Monday, July 20, 2009

day 26

actually, i have over-extended myself a little too much this growing season. i wish there were sprinklers watering all of my stuff. and now it is time to harvest some stuff and i don't even have time to do anything with it because i am too busy watering! funny. i think today i will pull up the purple clover. it is almost totally dead. i don't have the gumption to keep hand watering it all season long. and i will harvest all of the lettuce and chard. that will be dinner tonight. there are fresh tomatoes and a pepper at brian's house that need to be eaten. yum! tonight i would like to finish tilling the plot at brian's house too. maybe even get the babies planted! i got drip hoses and a timer so they will be taken care of. i need manure to till into it and the transplant solution from my garden shed. busy garden night!

day 25

day 25. i will be planting 6 of the lambkin melon plants at my bofriend's house. yesterday, which was day 25 (i am writing this a day late), i cleared the junk out of the side yard where i will be planting them. i pruned the tree that partially shades the area so that you could get in there. there were new little trees growing out of it's roots and into the chain link fence. there is a good chunk of it growing through the fence into the neighbor's yard, but i didn't cut that off just in case they wanted it. plus, it does add a bit of privacy. i am wanting to plant something green that will cover the fence to add even more privacy. green and edible. maybe.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

day 24

day 24.  look who came to visit my garden! 

day 23

i've decided that i will give some of these away.  i started with my neighbors heather and her son c.j.  they took number 23, which i thought was interesting since it is day 23!  hmmm...  and then i gave number 5 to the other avid gardener in the complex, chelsea.  i am going to try to plant between 4 and 6 plants at my boyfriend's house, but i need permission from his roommate (the owner of the house) first.  i will have to set up an automatic sprinkler system over there if i do that, because i will not be able to water daily.  i think i have the perfect spot, though.  it's on the side of his house and there is a water spicket right there.  it will get some nice shade which is good, because i think our utah summer sun is pretty harsh and i don't know that they would be able to survive it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

day 22

day 22.  they get wilty when i leave them in the hot afternoon sun.  i don't want to do anything to stress them out.  i smelled mildew in the box this morning.  i think i'll spread them out a little... in the shade.

day 21

day 21.  july 15, 2009.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

day 20

day 20. the babies are getting their second real leaf! i put them in a few hours of afternoon sun yesterday. i will do the same again today. 

it seems i have an earwig problem. they have munched the heck out of my blue potato plant and i found 3 of them attacking one of the melon seedlings last night. i am finding that a little beer cup in the garden is helping trap all kinds of bad stuff, cockroaches, earwigs, slugs. and i caught a few earwigs in some rolled up newspaper i tried. i'm going to try that again tonight. 

it's funny, i didn't realize that rolled up newspaper could actually gather earwigs. if i had known that before, i might not have put them in paper pots! lesson learned! i still haven't tried that hot pepper solution yet. maybe i'll try that tonight.

Monday, July 13, 2009

day 19

day 19.  i think the big box is retaining water more than the little one.  i think i will put some holes in the big one & see if we can get a little better drainage.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

day 18

day 18. click on the picture to your left to see a slideshow of the melon plants. that way you can choose which plant to adopt! $4 each. free shipping in the continental u.s.a. e-mail me at to make payment/shipping arrangements.

day 17

day 17. i moved the seedlings into their paper pots! numbers 1, 3, 6 &19 didn't make it. number 1 was the one that i snapped in half with the greenhouse roof. number 3 was the mutant with the thick stem. number 6 didn't actually have a seed planted in it -- oops! and number 19 just never germinated. i am creating profiles for the rest.

Friday, July 10, 2009

day 16

day 16.  soon i will move the plants into their paper pots.  probably tomorrow or sunday.  then, i will take a picture of each one for sale and put it in a slide show to the right so you can choose online which plant you want.  i am seeing wee little bugs starting to be attracted to the plants.  i am going to try a simple hot pepper solution that i read about once to try to keep the bugs away.  there is nothing really aggressive-looking, so i think that should take care of it.  i posted the plants on today.  hopefully once i get some better pictures and start making a personal profile for each plant, and they start getting big, then they will start to sell.  look at that gorgeous real leaf there!  oh, and look what i found for camping:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

day 15

day 15. there is something about new growing things that is nourishing to the soul. babies, seedlings, puppies. i am watching an episode of oprah about this girl who had no human stimulation for the first 6 years of her life. she is severely retarded because of this. they call her a "feral child". stimulation can actually be nourishing for your brain. literally, the brain grows. neurons in your brain grow. connections bond. it makes you wonder how the stimulation we get as adults effects our mental health. i think growing these plants must be good for my brain. i feel their little plant souls singing when they are growing happy and healthy. it makes me feel good.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

day 14

day 14.  i have made some newspaper pots.  i shall fill them with lovely awesome organic potting soil.  i made the pots from pages of the salt lake city weekly 4th of july edition.  this one has a picture of
 my neighbor and friend, nick james.  he is an awesome d.j. as well as a hairstylist.  this pot features a blurb about him retiring from d.j.-ing.  cute.

we have also begun to get a few true leaves on the seedlings!  exciting!  in a few months we will be eating sweet juicy lambkin melons.

the soil i bought today for the newspaper pots is awesome.  it has bird poop and worm trailings in it.  real organic treats!  

i made the yummiest human treat the other night!  tequila-soaked watermelon!  it was a martha stewart recipe.  damn, i love that ol' girl.  she loves her liquor.  it's watermelon, soaked in a solution of tequila, triple sec & simple syrup.  then you chill it, squeeze limes over it, and sprinkle it with sea salt.  yum!  and in the same issue of martha stewart she tells you about her favorite brand of sea salt.  it's maldon sea salt from england.  and it really is delicious, folks.  flaky and mild.  it's some good stuff.  

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

day 13

day 13.  things are looking good.  i think the seedlings are about to need bigger pots.  tonight i'm going to try to create some newspaper pots to move them into.  i am going to give each seedling a number designation.  if the seeds are in a grid and the top left one is number 1;  the bottom right one is number 25.  number 1 got its baby leaves broken off when i was putzing around with the greenhouse cover last thursday.  number 3 looks weird.  it has not fully emerged, but the stem that looks like is emerging is really thick.  number 6 & 19 have not sprouted at all.  the rest are all looking really happy and healthy.  well, check back tomorrow to see what kind of fancy oragami i have come up with for pots!

day 12

sorry for the neglect. i was in the wilderness this weekend peeing in the woods and bathing in a river. it was great! me and my boyfriend went to sun valley, idaho for a camping trip. it was so fun! we experimented with new techniques of campfire cooking, got caught in a wild hail storm and i learned the proper etiquette for what to do when you poop in the woods. so, i guess you are wondering, "what is the proper etiquette when you poop in the woods?" bury it, people. bury it.

luckily, we went into town on a daily basis, so that technique did not get a lot of practice. but at least now you know!

ok, so my new grand business idea is to start a winery somewhere beautiful, with a bed and breakfast. sounds lovely, doesn't it? you just wait, one of these days i'm actually going to follow through with one of these ideas. it's gonna be so great you won't even believe it!

the other idea we came up with was to make burnable utensils for camping. see, you're not supposed to burn plastic. it's bad for the environment or something, but they don't make disposable utensils that aren't plastic. it's a dilemma that will earn someone a million bucks if they can solve it... and mass market it.

until then, i will make a little cash selling these lovely lambkin melon plants online. they are growing up big and strong! make room in your garden for one today!

well, it's been a lovely weekend. hope you all have enjoyed celebrating your independence!

'til tomorrow!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

day 8

day 8.  it's raining.  which is fine.  rain is good.  i just don't want my seed tray to flood.  plus, the sprouts are taller than the ceiling of the greenhouse now so i've come up with a solution to prop the top open.  all but one of the seeds has emerged now.  

i am going out of town this weekend, so i will have someone else take a picture of the seeds everyday, but there will probably not be blogs until i get back on monday.  not sure where i'm going.  i think me and my boyfriend are just going to jump in the car and go whichever direction the wind takes us!  woo hoo!  happy 4th of july weekend! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

day 7

21 out of 25 seeds have sprouted!  the seedlings have nice big round healthy looking leaves.  some are still folded into the earth.  i think i got good seeds.  and i seem to have a good formula for growing them so far.  

my only concern is this one in the middle.  it looks like it's tips are sunburnt.  don't know why.
the pictures look a little different this time because i took them at night.  this was the plants' first night time photo shoot.  i was doing other stuff after work.

i went to an entrepreneur's seminar tonight.  it was interesting.  don't tell my boyfriend i went.  he's already scared that i will follow one of my crazy dreams and lose the family fortune.  what i am hoping for is that i follow one of my crazy dreams and i make the family fortune!  anyways, they talked about the importance of branding, marketing, and having a tag line.  we'll try the one above for awhile.  it seems to fit.  i also need to come up with a mission.

really, why am i doing this?  well, i am doing this to make a little extra money.  i am doing this because growing things fills my soul.  i could do it for hours and the time just slips away.  i am doing this because i want to be able to afford a housekeeper once a month.  i hate cleaning my house--no, i take that back--i hate cleaning, period.  she came here yesterday and did my dishes!  she did my dishes, people!  i don't have a dishwasher, and that is a big deal to me.  it was worth every penny.  so, yes, i am selling plants so that i don't have to do dishes... in a round-about sort of way.

but that can't be the mission for my company!  "to grow and sell healthy beautiful plants so that i don't have to do my own dishes."  i feel like it needs to be much more esoteric than that.  i'll keep working on it.